Category: Program Highlights

Contact in the Echoes Podcast

Discreet Music, arguably the first of Eno’s ambient works, has entered the acoustic canon, via the Canadian group, Contact. They turn the piece into an immersive meditation. Contact’s Jerry Pergolesi talks about making contact with Discreet Music.

Bella Gaia in the Echoes Podcast

Kenji Williams makes a different kind of “World Music” with Bella Gaia, a view of the world and its music, seen from space. Bella Gaia is a project put together by Williams, using NASA images of Earth from Space, quotes from astronauts and and music from around the world

Echoes Top 25 for January 2016

The Echoes Top 25 for January includes the CD of the Month by Contact, as well as last month’s pick, Enya, along with new releases by Tuxedomoon, Ane Brun and Tranceology.