Hans-Joachim Roedelius & Thievery Corporation: Two Generations of Electronic Legends this weekend on Echoes. Roedelius just turned 86 and Thievery Corporation are pioneers of downtempo.
30 Icons of Echoes: the artists who have informed the show over our first 30 years. In this Wordless Echoes stream, we count down the list, starting with #30, and ending up at the #1 Icon of Echoes.
German electronic music legend Hans-Joachim Roedelius was a founder of Cluster and Harmonia. Lately, he’s gone acoustic and has even recorded for the Deutsche Grammophon classical label.
Brian Eno is #1 of 30 Icons of Echoes. He has influenced our sonic landscape for nearly a half-century, from ambient to pop and beyond. It’s an all Eno show on Echoes including a profile.
Echoes Top 25 for October 2020. Andreas Vollenweider is at the top, followed by Marya Stark, Tom Caufield, Michael Whalen & Blue Monk, Gracie & Rachel and 20 other great CDs.
This weekend on Echoes, Digitonal return with their third CD of the Month, Set the Weather Fair. Digitonal are avatars of ambient chamber music and this is one of their best.
Music from the Orb, the legendary ambient band with a new album called Abolition of the Royal Familia. We’ll also hear new music by Nicholas Gunn from his album, Pacific Blue.
Shpongle’s Simon Posford has spent his time in Pandemic quarantine creating a soundtrack that plays out like the 10 Stages of Pandemic Lockdown. We hear about Flux and Contemplation.