Category: Echoes Online

Echoes Online offers subscriber the daily soundscape of Echoes for on-demand listening anytime. It includes this week’s Echoes programs and 40 other recent programs, plus Living Room Concerts, interview features and other programs from our huge archive and special online-only music streams that go Beyond Echoes.

Wordless Echoes: Robot Dreams

An uninterrupted six-hour soundscape for dreaming about robots, or perhaps it’s the soundtrack for a robot’s dream. It features new music from Ben Neill, Silencio, and Raygun Ballet, as well as older tracks from Zero One, Philip Glass, Patrick O’Hearn and many more.

Wordless Echoes: Celestial Tides

As the summer wears on, and we pass through the Perseid meteor shower, it’s clearer than ever that we’re affected by the steady rhythms of celestial cycles. We’ll hear some of those rhythms, and smoothly-flowing tides, from Twilight Archive, Erik Wollo’s Echotides, David Cross & Robert Fripp, Kristin Hoffmann’s Amazing Space, and much more, in a six-hour, uninterrupted instrumental spacescape.

Wordless Echoes: The Tao of Steve

In the movie The Tao of Steve, a character develops a philosophy of “being Steve.” We noticed that there’s a whole lot of Echoes music made by Steves. Here’s a five-hour uninterrupted instrumental soundscape exploring music made by Steves, Stevens, Stephens, Stephans, Stephanies, even a Stevin.

Ambient Americana Landscapes

It’s a different sound of America for Independence Day weekend. It’s a sound steeped in the landscapes of the US from the Grand Canyon to the forests of Maine, all steeped in the sound of Ambient Americana, that unique sound merging country twang and ambient atmospheres. This soundscape for July 4th is one of twangquility, only at Echoes On-Line.