Six years ago, the producer known as Dinner released a song called “Going Out” that seems like it could’ve been recorded right now. So the band Loma released a beautiful cover of it.
Ambient Chamber Music is the meeting of classical forms and ambient atmospheres, and we have a whole show of it. We’ll also talk to Jeffrey Ericson Allen who records as Chronotope Project.
Pink Floyd in improvisational space. We’ve got the jam session that evolved into their instrumental, “Marooned.” It’s centered by an awe-inspiring eight-minute David Gilmour guitar solo.
Billie Eilish’s latest album, Happier Than Ever, defies pop standards by being low-key, sonically sparse and pillow-talki intimate. We’ll hear a track from that, as well as new music by Erik Wøllo
Put on your tuxedos and gowns for chamber music on the ambient side. Ambient Chamber Music is the meeting of classical modalities and ambient atmospheres and we have a whole show of it.
On a Slow Flow Echoes, a recording by Norwegian electronic artist and guitarist, Erik Wøllo called Recurrence, based on the concept of revisiting themes and variations.
Six years ago, the producer known as Dinner released a song called “Going Out” that seems like it could’ve been recorded right now. So the band Loma released a beautiful cover of it.
Echoes Top 25 for July 2021. Lanterna’s Hidden Drives, the July CD of the Month, is at the top, followed by Morcheeba, Winterlight, Bill Nelson, and 21 other great CDs.
On a Slow Flow Echoes, we’ll hear music by electronic artist Craig Padilla and guitarist Marvin Allen. Their album Strange Gravity taps into a retro-space music sound.