A lot of great music has passed through Echoes and many artists have formed the core of the show. Here are the 35 Icons of Echoes celebrated on Echoes’ 35th Anniversary.
As we celebrate 25 Years of Echoes, listeners voted for their favorite Echoes Albums. Here’s the complete list. You can hear the top 25 of them on the Wednesday, November 19 Echoes broadcast. If you’re a subscriber to Echoes Online, you can hear all 250 in a series of “Wordless Echoes” streams. Rank Artist…
Echoes Listeners Pick 25 Icons of EchoesAs we celebrate 25 Years of Echoes, listeners voted for their favorite Echoes Artists. Herewith, 25 ICONS OF ECHOES Hear them all tonight on Echoes. 1 Steve Roach 2 Brian Eno 3 Dead Can Dance/Lisa Gerrard 4 Robert Rich 5 Tangerine Dream 6 Patrick O’Hearn 7 Loreena McKennitt 8 …
Five Essential Harold Budd CDs for Deep Listening of Pretty MusicSilence Required: The Best of Harold Budd, an Icon of Echoes. Harold Budd is a romantic with a classicist’s soul and an experimenter’s openness to chance. He’s never opted for the obvious ploys for the heartstrings. Instead, Budd explores the geometry of passion, the calculus…