Tag: echoes

Still: Echoes-Echoes Living Room Concerts Volume 15

Still: Echoes, the Echoes Living Room Concerts Volume 15 has arrived. Like all our CDs it’s a perfect Echoes blend of music from pure acoustic works to the extremes of electronic music, with ambient chamber music nestled next to deep space explorations.  The album builds in an arc from Jesse Cook’s sweet “Rain,” with some…

Baaba Maal-21st Century Griot

http://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/www.xpn.org/podcasts/echoes/echoes20091104.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSEcho Location: Baaba Maal To hear an audio version of this blog with Baaba Maal’s music, go here Senegalese singer Baaba Maal emerges out of the griot tradition, African story-tellers who usually accompany themselves with the kora.  Legendary griot, Mansour Seck was his childhood friend and mentor, but…

Robin Guthrie’s Carousel: Echoes Nov. CD of the Month

http://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/www.xpn.org/podcasts/echoes/echoes20091028.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS1980s Shoegaze Guitar Icon Unfolds an Instrumental Opus You can hear an Audio version of this blog with Robin Guthrie’s music. You can read a complete review of Carousel here. As a member of the legendary new wave band, the Cocteau Twins, Robin Guthrie established a guitar sound…

Brian Eno: #1 Icon of Echoes

https://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/echoes.org/podcasts/EchoesPodcast-BrianEno60.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSFIVE CDS FOR AN ICON OF ECHOES: BRIAN ENO Listeners recently voted for the 20 Icons of Echoes and topping the poll by a wide margin was Brian Eno. A few years ago I did a blog called 3 Degrees of Separation from Brian Eno.  Actually, for most…

20 Icons of Echoes: Listener Poll

The Listeners Have Spoken with their 20 Favorite Echoes Artists. The results are in from our 20th Anniversary Listener Poll and we’ve got your 20 favorite Echoes artists for 20 years of Echoes. The list skews heavily towards older acts.  Of the 20 artists, only four began recording during the Echoes years.  Moby and Mark…

Urban Nature’s World Fusion: Echo Location

http://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/www.xpn.org/podcasts/echoes/echoes20091021.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSThe Perils of  Growing Up Echoes with Urban Nature Ramesh and I both grew up listening to Echoes and I remember being a teenager and listening to Echoes as I’d fall asleep at night.  And so being exposed to Windham Hill and I’d go into the record store…

200 CDs for 20 Years of Echoes

Loreena McKennitt, BT & Ludovico Einaudi Top Listener Poll For the next two weeks on Echoes you’ll be hearing the 200 CDs that you voted for in our 20th Anniversary Poll.  Surprises? Definitely at the top.  We expected Loreena McKennitt to place very high in the poll, but we certainly didn’t expect her to take…

Top 20 CDs for 20 Years of Echoes: John’s Picks

We asked listeners to pick their Top 10 CDs which will be tabulated into a list of 200 CDs for 20 Years of Echoes.  The only requirements were they had to have been played on Echoes, but could have been released at any time.  I’ve modified those rules for my list, limiting myself to the…