Icelandic composer Ólafur Arnalds talks about his new album, Some Kind of Peace. He pares-down to a simpler sound for music of introspection. Join us with Ólafur Arnalds on Echoes.
Hans-Joachim Roedelius & Thievery Corporation: Two Generations of Electronic Legends this weekend on Echoes. Roedelius just turned 86 and Thievery Corporation are pioneers of downtempo.
New music from British neo-classical composer, Helen Jane Long. She brings an highly melodic, driving sound on the album, Vessel of Light. We’ll also hear from electronic composer Mars Lasar.
Electronic artist Ian Boddy’s new album, Axiom, with a classic retro-space music sound. We’ll also hear ambient piano by Jon Durant and ambient chamber music by Digitonal.
30 Icons of Echoes: the artists who have informed the show over our first 30 years. In this Wordless Echoes stream, we count down the list, starting with #30, and ending up at the #1 Icon of Echoes.
German electronic music legend Hans-Joachim Roedelius was a founder of Cluster and Harmonia. Lately, he’s gone acoustic and has even recorded for the Deutsche Grammophon classical label.
On a Slow Flow Echoes, music by Tom Caufield. This finger-style guitarist has released some of the most inventive guitar albums of the last decade. We’ll also hear from Olafur Arnalds.
Brian Eno is #1 of 30 Icons of Echoes. He has influenced our sonic landscape for nearly a half-century, from ambient to pop and beyond. It’s an all Eno show on Echoes including a profile.
This weekend on Echoes It’s the 50th Anniversary of Kraftwerk. The iconic German electronic band released their debut album in 1970. Then we’ll countdown the 30 Icons of Echoes.