Category: CD of the Month

July CD of the Month – Yoed Nir The Next Dream

Yoed Nir -The Next Dream Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSYoed Nir creates Ambient Cello Orchestras: The Next Dream Hear it featured tonight on Echoes It’s a good time to be a cellist. Rock artists from Arcade Fire to Shawn Colvin are using them to provide just that right amount of elegant soul to their work. And the…

Carl Weingarten – Life Under Stars

Carl Weingarten - Life Under Stars

Record review: Carl Weingarten’s Life Under Stars. An Echoes Favorite Evokes Windham Hill, Miles Davis and Ry Cooder in a Pastoral Americana Journey Hear it tonight on Echoes I don’t know why I’m surprised that Carl Weingarten has made an album of such sweet simplicity and pastoral bliss. I shouldn’t be. Over the course of more than three…

Hans Christian’s Hidden Treasures

Cellist Hans Christian creates Global Serenity with Hidden Treasures The Echoes May CD of the Month Hans Christian launches his new CD playing cello. It’s the instrument he began with studying classical repertoire and he’s done recordings with it from the purely Renaissance album, Light and Spirit, to pure solo improvisations on Sancta Camisia, and…

Lyla Foy Mirrors the Sky

Lyla Foy’s Mirrors the Sky Echoes April CD of the Month Hear it tonight on Echoes. We first met Lyla Foy in 2013 when she was recording under the guise of Wall. I was seduced by the austere, yet atmospheric songs of her EP Shoestrings, which touched a deep and resonant chord of melancholy and…

Echoes March CD of the Month: Mark McGuire’s Along the Way

Mark McGuire Creates 21st Century Progressive Rock Opus for Echoes CD of the Month Old fans of progressive rock and space music might be forgiven if listening to Mark McGuire’s Along the Way takes them back to about 1975, calling up music like Ash Ra Tempel’s Inventions for Electric Guitar, Popol Vuh’s Seligpreisung or Can’s…

Erik Wøllo’s Timelines

  It’s a cliché, I know, but as soon as an Erik Wøllo album starts, you know you are on a journey.  It’s like the moments before take-off, only Wøllo’s ascent doesn’t throw you back in your seat with G-Force thrust.  It’s a gentle rise into euphoric space. Timelines is a beautifully sculpted example of…

Hammock From Abyss to Revelation.

In a world of dance beats, rapid fire sequences and songs devolving into little more than hooks, Hammock takes a deeper, darker more textured approach.  They are the Mark Rothko of ambient music with sheets of sound shifting beneath each other like tectonic plates, but with the hint of melody and the feel of spirits…

12 Echoes CDs of the Month Tonight

WE LOOK BACK AT ECHOES CD OF THE MONTH PICKS FROM 2013 Every month on Echoes we pick out the CD of the Month. It’s the album we think best represents the sound of Echoes and simply, the best album in that sound.  This year has been a great one for CD of the Month …

Moby’s Innocents Echoes CD of the Month.

Moby Scores Echoes CD of the Month Hat Trick with Innocents. Hear Moby’s Innocents Featured Tonight on Echoes. I don’t know if Moby intended it this way, but Innocents sounds like the conclusion of a trilogy, joining Wait for Me and Destroyed, his two previous albums.  As on those recordings, Moby plays the ambient song-smith,…