Category: Interview Podcast

Echoes Podcast: Dave Bessell Interview

Echoes Podcast: Electronic Artist Dave Bessell of Node and Reality Engine Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS In the Echoes Podcast, Dave Bessell.  Dave Bessell is an electronic musician from England who is probably one of the few Doctors of Music we play on the show. He’s done session work on albums by Killing…

Echoes Podcast: Ben Blackett & Jim Ottaway

Echoes Podcast: Interviews with Electronic Artists Ben Blackett & Jim Ottaway Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS Its an all-electronic Echoes Podcast with interviews featuring Ben Blackett and Jim Ottaway. From 1990s grunge rock engineer in Seattle to electronic soundscapes composer, Ben Blackett has had a long music career. He plugs in computers instead…

Echoes Podcast: Interview with YPPAH

Echoes Podcast: YPPAH’s Psychedelic Dance: The Echoes Interview Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS YPPAH is happy spelled backwards and it’s the name of an ambiently inclined post rock group headed up by Joe Corrales.  He’s gone through heavy metal, drum and bass, hip-hop and Turkish psychedelic music to arrive at a joyful sound…

Echoes Podcast: Llynks Interview aka Sara Kendall

The Metamorphosis of Llynks in Echoes Podcast Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS In the Echoes Podcast, an interview with Llynks. She graduated from the Berklee School of Music, tried working as a model, started a music career with her birth name, Sara Kendall, then metamorphosed into Llynks, a dark, soul-revealing electronic pop project. She’s…

Echoes Podcast: Moby’s Techno Return and Techno Paranoia

Echoes Podcast: The Moby Interview Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS Moby talks about his presciently timely new album, All Visible Objects. Written mostly in 2019, its themes of revolution, isolation and contemplation seem to fit right in with these pandemic and protesting times. All Visible Objects harkens back to his dance and DJ…

Echoes Podcast: Four from The Best of Echoes 2020, So Far

Four Albums from The Best of Echoes 2020, So Far by Austra, YPPAH, Grimes and Darshan Ambient Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSThis past week we released The Best of Echoes So Far list, pausing at the midway point of an insane year to contemplate some of the music that has come out in…