Mike Oldfield in Echoes Podcast

Mike Oldfield talks Rock in Echoes Podcast

Mike Oldfield in Echoes Interview

Mike Oldfield in Echoes Interview

On the heels of his international acclaim at the 2012 Summer Olympic opening ceremony in London and the 40th anniversary of his signature work, Tubular Bells, Mike Oldfield takes a hard right into 70s era album rock. Oldfield-ManROcksHis latest CD, Man on the Rocks, features singer Luke Spiller from the little known band, the Struts in a set of anthemic rock songs that, save the electric guitar solos, wouldn’t be recognizable as Mike Oldfield.  From his home in the Bahamas, I speak to Oldfield about the motivations behind his work in the Echoes Podcast.

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Tubular Babes

John Diliberto (((echoes)))

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