Tag: synthesizer

Echoes Podcast: Emancipator & Jade Warrior

Emancipator’s Electronic Folk and Jade Warrior-World Fusion Innovators in Echoes Podcast https://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/echoes.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/EchoesPodcast-Emancipator-JadeWarrior.m4aPodcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS In the Echoes Podcast Emancipator and Jade Warrior Emancipator is an electronic musician who mixes synthesizers, sampled sounds and folk instruments into a hallucinatory sound. John Diliberto talks to Emancipator’s Douglas Appling about his father who…

Echoes Podcast: Michael Whalen’s Synthesizer Fantasy

Michael Whalen Head Shot

Michael Whalen’s Syntheszier Fantasy: The Echoes Podcast Interviewhttps://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/echoes.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/EchoesPodcast-MichaelWhalen2020.m4aPodcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS In the Echoes Podcast, Composer Michael Whalen talks about his April CD of the Month, Sacred Spaces. It’s a return for Whalen to his progressive rock roots as he turns a classical composition into a synthesized fantasy. Sacred Spaces is…