Tag: Space Music

Echoes Flashback: Air.

Hearing Air performing on Jean-Michel Jarre’s forthcoming album, E-Project, reminded me of the great performance they played for us back in 2004. We first interviewed Air back in 1998 when their first album, Moon Safari came out. They’ve been on since then in 2007 with a Blindfold Test in the Echoes Chamber and again in 2012 when we talked about their last album, Le Voyage Dans La Lune. Here’s a couple of pictures from their 2014 session.

Echoes Top 25 for July 2015

It’s an eclectic Echoes Top 25 for July with Heather Woods Broderick’s gorgeous album, Glider, our CD of the Month, at the top. Jean-Michel Jarre’s E-Project is also there and that album doesn’t even come out until October. I’m very excited to see Silencio in there at #3. This band includes former members of The Mandrake Project out of Pittsburgh. With Silencio, they create music inspired by director David Lynch and composer Angelo Badalamenti of Twin Peaks and other fame. Go down to #10 and you’ll see our Echoes CD of the Month for August, sure to be the future number one album.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

On the next Echoes, keyboardist Ryan Farish takes a more rhythmic, driving approach on a new release called Spectrum while the European trio Broekhuis, Keller and Schoenwalder go retro-space.

Hanging on a Hang

The Hang Drum is an instrument that looks like a flying saucer or two woks tuck together. With tuned indentations and/or bumps it makes the warmest most serene sound that’s found a following among world music players, jazz bands and New Age artists.

Cluster’s Dieter Moebius Unplugs – R.I.P.

Dieter Moebius was a founding member of influential German bands Cluster and Harmonia, creating a sound that was known as Krautrock and collaborating with Brian Eno. Moebius died on July 20 at the age of 71. We go back to an interview with Moebius and bandmate Hans-Joachim Roedelius from 1996.