Tag: New Age

Monday, August 10th, 2015-Echoes Program 1532A

CHronotope Project Dawn Treader

Chronotope Project is Jeffrey Ericson Allen, a musician who has made a few transformations in his life. He began his recording career as New Age artist Jeff Defty, before taking on his family name as a person, and Chronotope Project as an artistic identity.

Steve Roach in the Echoes Interview Podcast

Unlock the door to your mind with when Steve Roach gives you Skeleton Keys. That’s the latest album from the legendary electronic musician. Noted for his acclaimed albums, Structures from Silence and Dreamtime Return and as a pioneer of techno-tribal and drone-zone music, Roach has carved a unique and independent path over the last 35 years. He was also voted the number one Icon of Echoes last year. He returns to his analog roots for an album of furious sequencer syncopations called Skeleton Keys. He unlocks it when we talk with him in the Echoes Interview Podcast.

Wordless Echoes: The Tao of Steve

In the movie The Tao of Steve, a character develops a philosophy of “being Steve.” We noticed that there’s a whole lot of Echoes music made by Steves. Here’s a five-hour uninterrupted instrumental soundscape exploring music made by Steves, Stevens, Stephens, Stephans, Stephanies, even a Stevin.

Jesse Cook’s One World Echoes August CD of the Month.

Nouveau Flamenco guitarist Jesse Cook came to renown with his debut album, Tempest, in 1995. At the time he road in on the coattails of Nouveau Flamenco pioneer Ottmar Liebert and bands like The Gipsy Kings, but Cook always had his own sound, one that that morphed and fused over the course of two decades and several albums. He’s taken his flamenco influenced guitar playing into new settings with every album. On One World he goes global and electronica in a studio infused album of journeys from the serene to the ecstatic. One world is the Echoes CD of the Month for August.

Echoes Top 25 for July 2015

It’s an eclectic Echoes Top 25 for July with Heather Woods Broderick’s gorgeous album, Glider, our CD of the Month, at the top. Jean-Michel Jarre’s E-Project is also there and that album doesn’t even come out until October. I’m very excited to see Silencio in there at #3. This band includes former members of The Mandrake Project out of Pittsburgh. With Silencio, they create music inspired by director David Lynch and composer Angelo Badalamenti of Twin Peaks and other fame. Go down to #10 and you’ll see our Echoes CD of the Month for August, sure to be the future number one album.

Hanging on a Hang

The Hang Drum is an instrument that looks like a flying saucer or two woks tuck together. With tuned indentations and/or bumps it makes the warmest most serene sound that’s found a following among world music players, jazz bands and New Age artists.