Steve Roach was voted #2 of 30 Icons of Echoes. John Diliberto looks across the career of this influential artist who has gone from Berlin School sequencers to techno-tribal and back again.
Echoes doesn’t have 12 days of Christmas but we do have 12 months of Echoes CD of the Month Picks. We’ll go through them, first forward from January and then backwards.
Brian Eno is #1 of 30 Icons of Echoes. He has influenced our sonic landscape for nearly a half-century, from ambient to pop and beyond. It’s an all Eno show, including a profile.
The Best of Echoes 2021. We pick out our 30 Favorite albums of the year covering the range of the Echoes Soundscape. This is a Best of list like no other. 2021 Sucked! This list doesn’t.
Get your wish list out for Christmas. It’s the Best of Echoes 2021. In a tumultuous year, John Diliberto finds the 25 albums that will bring you peace, joy and adventure.
It’s a wild winter with Smoke Fairies live. This English duo calls up the nostalgic side of Christmas, but one after too many eggnogs on their album, Wild Winter.
We visit the Electronic Music Education and Preservation Project, EMEAPP. It’s a museum of electronic instruments from the earliest devices through Keith Emerson’s keyboard rig and beyond.
On An Echoes Christmas, it’s a seasonof the imagination. We create a soundscape for that long winter’s nap; or for wrapping presents and putting together those last-minute toys.
On a Slow Flow Echoes, we go into the Majestic with Steve Roach, which taps his more celestial electronic side. We’ll also hear music from Grandbrothers and their album of enhanced piano.