It’s Christmas and Hanukkah week and we’ll hear some music for it including a Hanukah tune from Grammy winners Opium Moon and new sounds from Matt Borghi’s Ambient Guitar for Christmas.
Echoes Christmas Week with seasonal shows to get you into and take you beyond the seasonal spirit with Christmas and Hanukkah sounds, An Echoes Night Before Christmas and An Echoes Christmas.
It’s Christmas and Hanukkah week and we’ll hear some music for it including a Hanukah tune from Grammy winners Opium Moon and new sounds from Matt Borghi’s Ambient Guitar for Christmas.
It’s Christmas and Hanukkah week and we’ll hear some music for it including a Hanukah tune from Grammy winners Opium Moon and new seasonal sounds by Matt Borghi and R. Carlos Nakai.
It’s Christmas and Hanukkah week and we’ll hear some music for it including a Hanukah tune from Grammy winners Opium Moon and new seasonal sounds by Matt Borghi and R. Carlos Nakai.