On a Slow Flow Echoes, Explosions in the Sky have a new film score for the movie, Big Bend. We’ll also hear a new album from the electronic group The Great Northern called Nocturnes.
Jeffrey Ericson Allen creates ambient music under the name Chronotope Project. A cellist who adds electronics to his work, he tends toward the mystical and cosmic. He has a new album, Gnosis.
New music by Mitski who has released a single exploring the perils of being a public figure. We’ll also hear new music by Tori Amos, from her latest recording Ocean to Ocean.
Fear is the mind killer. Musicians have been inspired by Frank Herbert’s Dune since it came out. On the heels of the new Dune movie, Echoes creates an Arrakis soundscape.
The transmission is clear on the new album by Marconi Union, the electronic trio from England. The album is Signals, and it finds this atmospheric group with a much more rhythm-charged sound.
Kevin Keller took a challenge to record an album in one month. He enlisted his fans, running a daily blog where he considered their suggestions. The results were his new album, Shimmer.
We all watched TV during pandemic isolation, but Marissa Nadler got an album out of it. It’s called The Path of the Clouds. And we’ll hear an All Pink Floyd show with Meddle at 50.
Liquid Bloom teams up with PERE from Israel for an album of tribal electronic moods called Afar. We’ll hear that, and Tigerforest’s album, Discovery remixed as Re:Discovery.
You think the pandemic is scary? Then you haven’t walked into the crypt of an Echoes Halloween. John Diliberto is the crypt keeper unleashing sounds from beyond. It’s just an Echoes Halloween.
Two guitarists with expansive sounds: Carl Weingarten, from a new album of rustic chamber music, Ember Days, and Robert Jurjendal with a more ambient approach on Water Finds a Way.