New music by Thom Yorke, the founder and frontman of Radiohead and a few other projects. He has a new and very introspective single out. We’ll also hear a new single from Wax Tailor.
On a Slow Flow Echoes, new music by Carl Lord. He’s a session musician who’s exploring a more ambient sound on his album, Dream Zone. We’ll also hear from the Paul Winter Consort.
On a Slow Flow Echoes, new music from ELEON, one of the recording personas of Michael A Foster, from his new album, Hidden Time. We’ll also hear an electronic duo who record as Iluiteq.
New music by NIN3S, the latest persona of Manu Garcia who has been on the EDM scene as Uner. But Nin3s has a more chilled sound. We’ll also hear from a new album by Zola Jesus.
New music from Canadian Dream Pop artist Patrick Watson that captures the uncertainty of this time. We’ll also hear a collaboration between Bruno San Filippo and Aukai.
2022 Grammy Nominees David Arkenstone and Wouter Kellerman. They talk about their world fusion album, Pangaea. They worked on it during pandemic while trapped on opposite sides of the Pacific.
We remember on an Echoes Memorial Soundscape. John Diliberto brings us music to contemplate the loss and the carnage of wars across time as well as the carnage at home in Buffalo, Uvalde and every place in which the insane carry guns.
New music by Roger Eno. The brother of Brian has a new album of solo piano & ambient chamber works called The Turning Year. We’ll also hear from Lost in Translation, one of his earlier works.
We remember Vangelis. Hecharted a course through electro-orchestral space for over 50 years. Michael Whelan is one of his acolytes and he talks about Imaginary Trains.