The enchantment of Lucinda Chua. The British singer and cellist has just released a masterful, perfectly-pitched album called Yian. It translates as swallow. Lucinda Chua flies on Echoes.
Experience the joy of Ibeyi. That’s Yoruban for twins and this duo are twin sisters from France who have an intoxicating sound that merges pop, hip-hop, African and Cuban grooves.
Let the sunshine in as Echoes orchestrates a soundscape for the Summer Solstice. We’ll hear music from Jake Shimabukuro, George Winston, and Max Richter’s The New Four Seasons.
We enter a hallucinogenic state when we talk with Delerium, the long-lived dream pop duo. We’ll talk to Rhys Fulber and Bill Leeb about their electronic approach to pop.
Hear the ethereal sounds of Shana Cleveland. The singer and guitarist from the rock group La Luz talks about the personal stories behind her enchanting new solo album, Manzanita.
Seduction & entrancement are part of Echoes June CD of the Month. Travelers Cloth by Robert Rich is an album of sensual moods threaded on flutes, percussion, ambient lap-steel & synthesizers.
Jeff Pearce comes in to play music from across his 30-year career. We also remember iconic pianist George Winston. Then we interview Italian electronic artist Catarina Barbieri.
Electronic surrealist Robert Rich is an Icon of Echoes, and his new album, Travelers’ Cloth is the Echoes June CD of the Month. It’s one of Rich’s most seductive and entrancing albums.
We remember on an Echoes Memorial Day Soundscape. John Diliberto brings us music to contemplate the loss and the carnage of wars across time especially as we experience the assault on Ukraine.
It’s alt-rock instrumentals from WMD off the album Deliquesce. We don’t know if that stands for Weapons of Mass Destruction, but we guarantee that you won’t be destroyed.