Tag: echoes

Piano Guys Pop-Classical YouTube Explosion

Hear the Piano Guys Echoes Interview The world of classical cross-over music is scattered with novelty acts that created a buzz and then faded away.  One of the latest is a band called The Piano Guys.  They are YouTube phenomenons with superstar viewing stats for their many elaborate videos.  They’re music goes beyond simple instrumentation…

Hammock’s Echoes Interview Podcast

Hammock Talk About their ShoegazeEpic Departure Songs in Echoes Interview Download the Hammock interview on iTunes. Hammock doesn’t sound like your typical band coming out of Nashville.  There isn’t the sound of country twang.  Instead, Marc Byrd and Andrew Thompson mix twin guitars awash in distortion and reverb spread out over landscapes that can shift…

Echoes Interviewed on Public Television.

Echoes on TV: Friday Arts, a program on Philadelphia PBS station WHYY,  did a piece on Philly space music and interviewed Echoes John Diliberto & Jeff Towne as well as Chuck Van Zyl from Star’s End and electronic musician Jason Sloan. The feature ran Friday, 1/4/2012, but you can see it online here: http://video.whyy.org/video/2323750666  The…

25 Essential Echoes CDs: The Best of 2012

 25 Esssential Echoes CDs for 2012 There are always three year end lists at Echoes.  The first is my personal Top Ten which embraces all the music I listen to, not must what I play on Echoes (John Diliberto’s Top Ten Albums of 2012 and John Diliberto’s Top 10 Songs for 2012).  Then comes the…

Best of Echoes 2012-Listener Poll Results.

Hear The Best of Echoes 2012 Rewind TONIGHT! See Spotify Playlist Below How much of a runaway was Dead Can Dance’s win in the Best of Echoes 2012 Poll?  They had almost twice as many votes as the next artist, Hammock.  But after that, it’s pretty tight. But what does the list say musically?  It’s…

Echoes November Top 25 – Jeff Johnson & Phil Keaggy WaterSky.

Jeff Johnson & Phil Keaggy’s Echoes CD of the Month, WaterSky, Heads Up Echoes Top 25. Ambient and Ambient-tinged rock dominate Echoes Top 25 for December.  Just in the Top 10, you’ve got a diversity of ambient sounds that reveals just how broad and embracing this genre can be.  It’s not a stream.  It’s an…

Top Ten Albums of 2012 by John Diliberto.

Deep moods and a couple of quirky releases highlight John Diliberto’s Top Ten Albums for 2012. 2012 will be a year marked by really good albums, but not necessarily groundbreaking, earth shattering or definitive works that place any one release ahead of the pack.  There are a few albums I could’ve picked as number one,…

Best of Echoes 2012 Poll Is Open.

Now that the Presidential Election is over, vote in a poll where you can really have an impact. We’ve launched the Best of Echoes 2012 Poll. You can win some great prizes including, One Year Membership to the Echoes CD of the Month Club A One Year Subscription to Echoes On-Line so you can hear…

Tangents-Echoes Live CD

All Tangents Lead to Echoes Hear ALL of Tangents tonight on Echoes. Tangents is the latest collection of live music performances from the Echoes Living Room  and once again, it’s a seamless trip through the Echoes soundscape with exclusive live recordings. Centering Tangents is Ozric Tentacles who absolutely ripped our heads off with their live…