It’s time for The Best of Echoes 2022, So Far. It’s been a pretty great year for music thus far. Out of the hundreds of recordings we’ve received in 2022, only 25 will make this list.
For July 4th we take you into twanguility with an Ambient Americana soundscape. And you’ll hear an interview with electronic duo Röyksopp talking about “Profound Mysteries.”.
It’s the psychedelic shoegaze sound of Mountains of Jura, a band channeling Pink Floyd and Slowdive. We’ll also hear from Radium 88 from their album, We Are All Dreaming Now.
Music from the wilds of Siberia when we hear the latest single by Otyken called “Storm”. We’ll also hear a dream pop artist with a name that’s out of season, I Am Snow Angel.
It’s time for The Best of Echoes 2022, So Far. It’s been a pretty great year for music thus far. Out of the hundreds of recordings we’ve received in 2022, only 25 will make this list.
Julee Cruise was the ethereal siren of Twin Peaks, singing in the smoke-filled Roadhouse scenes. Her songs became part of the template for dream pop. She committed suicide on June 9th at 65
An interview with Norway’s Röyksopp. An exploding puff ball mushroom inspired their name, and their music has ranged from ambient to dance pop. And a Summer Solstice Soundscape.
New music by Sharon Van Etten who tells us something we all know: We’ve Been Going About This All Wrong. We’ll get it right with her new music, and a track by Tone Ranger from Desert Rose.
New music from Canadian Dream Pop artist Patrick Watson that captures the uncertainty of this time. We’ll also hear a collaboration between Bruno San Filippo and Aukai.