Category: Reviews & Commentary

Those Who Left the Planet in 2009

I hadn’t thought of doing one of those retrospectives looking back at artists who left us in 2009.  There have been times in the past couple of years when I’ve felt the Echoes Blog was becoming the Death Blog.  But a list on Planet Origo got me to thinking that before 2009 is completely in…

ARC Ascends-Mark Shreeve & Ian Boddy Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSThe Electronic Duo Arc Make Space Music the Old FashionedWway In the large two story great room of Alpenhof Bed & Breakfast in Media, Pennsylvania, you’d normally be admiring the antique  chandeliers and wood carved images or relaxing in front of the  white stucco fireplace and grand piano.…

Kronos Quartet-Always Electric Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSKronos Quartet Began plugged in and they’re still attuned to the wired world. You can hear an Audio Version of thius Blog with music from Kronos. In 1980 the Kronos Quartet did something string quartets don’t do.  They played Jimi Hendrix‘s “Purple Haze.”  Some 30 years later, they’re…

Patrick O’Hearn #3 of 20 Icons of Echoes

This past fall Echoes listeners voted on 20 Icons for 20 Years of Echoes.   Tonight we’ll be featuring their #3 selection on that list, Patrick O’Hearn. Two See a list of 5 Essential Patrick O’Hearn Albums, go here. Two see the complete list of 20 Icons of Echoes, go here. John Diliberto ((( echoes )))

Anna Schaad’s Electronica Love Song Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSA Celtic Violinist, Electronica Tone Poem s and Jet Pilots. You can hear an audio version of this Echoes Blog, with Anna Schaad‘s music On the surface, violinist Anna Schaad might seem like a New Age artist with Loreena McKennitt aspirations.  Her first three albums often found her…

3 Variations of a New Americana: Moby-Bill Frisell-Jon Hassell Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSAmericana Pulls Up Its Roots You can hear an audio version of this Blog with music Americana is a genre that usually refers to rustic music with roots in heartland sounds from folk, blues and country. Looking back on 2009, Americana emerged in some unusual locations on Echoes,…

Harold Budd-Post Miles Improvisor

For a totally different side of Harold Budd, check out this YouTube video of him in a fairly free form blowout with Bill Laswell, Jaki Liebezeit, Graham Haynes and Jah Wobble.  This isn’t your father’s ambient chamber music and you wouldn’t hear it on Echoes, but wow!   Harold et al: Put this out!…

Harold Budd-Avatar of Ambient Chamber Music Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSHarold Budd’s Quiet World When Daniel Lanois, the producer of U2, Bob Dylan and Peter Gabriel first heard Harold Budd, he hadn’t yet met him. Daniel Lanois:  For The Plateax of Mirror , I never even met him (laughter), cause he did recordings, like two track piano recordings. …

Portishead Drop new Song for Amnesty International

Portishead are releasing a brand new track – “Chase the Tear” for Amnesty International. Chase the Tear is a slice of deep retro synth pop full of analog drive and of course the serene anguish of singer Beth Gibbon. This isn’t a throw-away track but deeply felt performance with a very moody performance video to…