Category: Reviews & Commentary

Alvin Lee Goes Home R.I.P.

Alvin Lee Founder & Guitarist of Ten Years After Passes I remember watching The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson around 1969.   I think it was Steve Lawrence, or another of those loungey Vegas entertainers Carson loved back then, was on the show talking about hanging out with this group Ten Years After.  He was shocked…

Yoko Ono’s Oblique Strategies – Still Ono at 80

She sang with Ornette Coleman, produced the first loft concerts of John Cage, La Monte Young and the Fluxus movement, created conceptual art, pre-saged Diamanda Galas and the B-52s.  Then she married John Lennon. “Count all the stars of that night by heart.  The piece ends when all the orchestra members finish counting their stars…

The Only Love Song You’ll Need for Valentine’s Day

Every year on Echoes of the Heart, our Valentine’s Day soundscape, and I mean EVERY year, we’ve played Heidi Berry’s “Cradle.”  Even though it is the ultimate love song, this year, we gave it a rest.  But if you only hear one love song today, maybe this should be it.  An exercise in romantic minimalism,…

Hauschka’s Mystery Prepared Piano

Here’s a bit of fantasy and prepared piano from Haushka, the German pianist who was recently on Echoes with violinist Hilary Hahn.  This is from the press release: While on a recent US tour with Grammy-winning American violinist Hilary Hahn, celebrated Düsseldorf-born piano composer Hauschka took a time-out to create this very special 3-part performance…

The Troggs’ Last Wild Thing – Reg Presley R.I.P.

Reg Presley, lead singer and composer for The Troggs, dies at 71. I just played both sides of Wild Thing, the American debut album by The Troggs, named for their #1 hit song.  I bought it in 1966  at Woolworth’s in Tewksbury, Massachussetts. Not even thirty-minutes in total length, it has only one bad song…

Ravi Shankar’s Last Raga Ride

or I Dropped My Microphone on Ravi Shankar’s Sitar. The word “icon” is tossed around pretty freely these days, and I probably fling it out there more than most.  But put the name Ravi Shankar next to “icon” and you reset that bar to stratospheric heights. There are only a few musicians who stand out…

55th Grammy Awards-Return of Pure New Age.

New Age Music reasserts its hold on the Grammy’s New Age Category. I won’t be able to get my chakras in an uproar about the absurdity of the New Age Grammy category this year.  (See previous rants & reflections Grammys Goof Again in the New Age)  There aren’t any  hack New Agers that no one…