Category: Reviews & Commentary

Paul Bley R.I.P.

Paul Bley was a singular voice in jazz and can be credited with discovering Ornette Coleman, Jaco Pastorius and Pat Metheny. He passed on January 3 at age 83. John Diliberto remembers this forgotten artist.

Steve Hackett Live at The Keswick Review

Steve Hackett was the guitarist of the glory years of the progressive rock group, Genesis and he has continued in that mode with some of the most exhilarating guitar playing of the last 30 years. On his latest concert tour, From Acolyte to Wolflight, Hackett plays solo music old and new plus a set of Genesis materiel. He landed at the Keswick Theater in Glenside, PA on 11/20.

Sun Ra Arkestra Halloween

It seems like an annual ritual in Philadelphia; the descent of the Sun Ra Arkestra on Halloween. This year, it took place in the cramped, balcony wrapped confines of Philadelphia’s Johnny Brenda’s in a show produced by the Ars Nova Workshop. Led by 91 year old Marshall Allen, the band brought the joy.