Category: Program Highlights

August CD of the Month-Matthew Schoening’s Elements Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSA Definitive Album of Looping Cello from Matthew Schoening We get inundated by looping cellists at Echoes.  For some reason, players of the most soulful of orchestral instruments have a predilection for hearing their own sound refracted in looping mirrors and digital delays. For Matthew Schoening‘s Elements, it’s…

Echoes July Top 25

Carmen Rizzo’s Looking Through Leaves tops Echoes July Top 25 Judging from this month’s Top 25, summer didn’t provide much of a slowdown in good music this year on Echoes.  Topping the list of course was our July CD of the Month, Carmen Rizzo’s Looking Through Leaves, a perfect summer CD of dream pop.  Link…

The Psychedelic Mind of Gary Cobain.

Some lightness and positive vibes in a day of loss with the passing of Daniel Schorr and Willem Breuker. Amorphous Androgynous/Future Sound Of London on life, the universe and psychedelic consciousness. Gary Cobain is one half of the FSOL/Amorphous Androgynous team that brought us such hallucinatory recordings as Lifeforms and The Isness.  At the Mojo…

10 Great Road Songs.

Songs to send you cruising the highway with the windows down and the stereo loud. Echoes Philadelphia affiliate WXPN is seeking votes in another of their annual  885 “whatever” lists and this year it’s 885 Ultimate Road Trip Songs. Not songs about the road, but songs to create that soundtrack for heading down the road,…

Echoes July CD of the Month: Carmen Rizzo’s Looking Through Leaves.

Studio savant Carmen Rizzo crafts an album of electro-dream pop:  Looking Through Leaves You’ve heard Carmen Rizzo a lot on Echoes, you probably just didn’t realize it.  He’s a member of the Persian fusion group, Niyaz, produced Israeli singer Inbar Bakal and collaborated with the Tuvan throat singing group, Huun-Huur-Tu.  He’s also a producer, programmer…

Echoes Top 25 for June: Erik Wollo’s Gateway #1.

Erik Wollo’s Gateway, our June CD of the Month, leads the way for the Echoes Top 25 for June. Erik Wollo’s Gateway tops the Echoes Top 25 for June.  That’s no surprise since it was the Echoes CD of the Month.   But following right behind it is Carbon Based Lifeforms and Interloper, another great album…

Erik Wollo’s Gateway Echoes CD of the Month for June.

Veteran Norwegian Composer places 4th Echoes CD of the Month. Erik Wollo is an architect of ambience, a poet of electronic landscapes.  Employing “cinematic” as an adjective for this music is a tiresome cliche, and it’s been applied to everything Wollo has recorded.  Yet, on his latest CD, Gateway, There’s no denying the way his…

Echoes May Top 25_Hammock Swings To Top

Hammock’s Chasing After Shadows…Living with the Ghosts Haunts the Top of Echoes Top 25 for May. Three Echoes CDs of the Month are 1-2-3 in the Echoes Top 25.  Hammock from May, Ludovico Einaudi‘s Nightbook from April and Robert Rich‘s Ylang from March.  It looks like the Top 25 from 2010 should be pretty good.…

Echoes Top 25 for April-Robert Rich Ylang Sprouts to Top

Echoes Top 25 for April. The Echoes Top 25 CDs for April is up.  Of course Robert Rich‘s Ylang, our Echoes CD of the Month, tops the list.  Right behind him is the album of intimate duets between guitarist Ralph Towner and trumpeter Paolo Fresu, Chiaroscuro. You can see the complete Echoes Top 25 for…