Category: Program Highlights

Best of Echoes 2012-Listener Poll Results.

Hear The Best of Echoes 2012 Rewind TONIGHT! See Spotify Playlist Below How much of a runaway was Dead Can Dance’s win in the Best of Echoes 2012 Poll?  They had almost twice as many votes as the next artist, Hammock.  But after that, it’s pretty tight. But what does the list say musically?  It’s…

The Reinvention of Kaki King – Echoes Podcast

Hear the Podcast of Kaki King’s Echoes Interview There’s little doubt that Kaki King has been the most high profile acoustic guitar player of the last decade.  Since her 2003 debut she’s recorded several albums, collaborated with musicians like The Goo Goo Dolls, scored films like Into the Wild with Eddie Vedder and Michael Brook…

Shoegaze Ambience with Manual – Echoes Podcast

Interview with Jonas Munk a.k.a Manual in Echoes Podcast In the early 2000’s a new sound in electronic music emerged.  It mixed German Space and Progressive Rock, with Shoegaze guitar and contemporary Electronica.  Two of the leading lights in this sound were Manual and Ulrich Schnauss.  Manual is Danish musician Jonas Munk and he’s carved…

Echoes November Top 25 – Jeff Johnson & Phil Keaggy WaterSky.

Jeff Johnson & Phil Keaggy’s Echoes CD of the Month, WaterSky, Heads Up Echoes Top 25. Ambient and Ambient-tinged rock dominate Echoes Top 25 for December.  Just in the Top 10, you’ve got a diversity of ambient sounds that reveals just how broad and embracing this genre can be.  It’s not a stream.  It’s an…

Bryan Carrigan Washes Electronic Windows.

Bryan Carrigan Completes a Trilogy of Electronic CDs with Windows. Bryan Carrigan has been a journeyman musician, working behind the scenes on Hollywood films.  but in 2011, he began releasing his own music and he’s put out three CDs in the last year of his inventive and often ebullient compositions.  But towards the end of…

Hammock Swings Out 2012 with CD of the Month

Ambient Post-Rock Avatars Transcend their Roots Hear Hammock interviewed on Echoes Tonight 03/06/2013. In an immersive experience where time loses meaning and there is no up nor down, it takes a quantum physicist’s sense of time and an astronaut’s sense of space to navigate.  Marc Byrd and Andrew Thompson are neither scientists nor pilots, but…

Top Ten Albums of 2012 by John Diliberto.

Deep moods and a couple of quirky releases highlight John Diliberto’s Top Ten Albums for 2012. 2012 will be a year marked by really good albums, but not necessarily groundbreaking, earth shattering or definitive works that place any one release ahead of the pack.  There are a few albums I could’ve picked as number one,…