Category: Program Highlights

Echoes Top 25 for May 2015

Steve Roach’s Skeleton Keys leads Echoes Top 25 for MayECHOES TOP 25 FOR May 2015 Steve Roach – Skeleton Keys (Projekt Records) Another Fine Day – A Good Place to Be  (Interchill Records) Jeff Oster – Next  (Retso Records) Bing & Ruth – Tomorrow was the Golden Age (RVNG International) Jesse Cook – One World  (eOne Music) …

Echoes May CD of the Month: Steve Roach Skeleton Keys

Steve Roach 2015

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” T.S. Elliott Hear Steve Roach talk about Skeleton Keys tonight on Echoes. As Steve Roach’s Skeleton Keys opens, with a reverse sequencer pattern fading-in as if going…

Johan Agebjorn in Echoes Podcast

Johan Agebjorn - Notes

Johan Agebjorn recently released the album Notes, an ambitious song cycle exploring chamber and electronic moods with singers. Agebjorn has been a fixture on Sweden’s ambient and pop music scene for years. In the pop world he’s the mastermind behind Sally Shapiro, the electro-pop project with a singer whose identity remains cloaked, although it may be revealed in our interview. In ambient music he’s released several beautiful, often pastoral albums.

Echoes Top 25 for March 2015

Echoes Top 25 for March finds Lanterna’s CD of the Month, “Backyards” on top. It’s followed by April’s CD pick, Tangerine Dream’s “Supernormal” and February’s selection, Fernwood’s “Arcadia.”