Category: CD of the Month

Echoes May CD of the Month: Steve Roach Skeleton Keys

Steve Roach 2015

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” T.S. Elliott Hear Steve Roach talk about Skeleton Keys tonight on Echoes. As Steve Roach’s Skeleton Keys opens, with a reverse sequencer pattern fading-in as if going…

Lanterna’s Backyards Echoes March CD of the Month

An Excursion in Ambient Americana from Lanterna is Echoes March CD of the MonthLanterna’s Backyards opens with the rollicking title track, a screaming ride down the Pacific Coast highway kind of song that you might expect to hear from the Eagles in their rare instrumental moments. It’s a great song with the twangy guitar and…

Fernwood Echoes February CD of the Month

If it wasn’t for Martin Mull’s 1970s TV series, Fernwood T2 Night, the name Fernwood would more instantly conjure up pastoral images of a backwoods town from a time gone by. The band called Fernwood does that, only their backwoods could be in Bangalore, Senegal or in the Appalachian hills. It’s not that the music…

Wax Tailor’s Trip-Hop Symphony

For most people, the lineage of DJ scratching begins about 1982 with artists like hip-hop DJ’s Grandmaster Flash and Afrika Bambaataa. Those are the roots of French DJ/Producer Wax Tailor. But he’s also part of a much longer DJ tradition that goes back to fellow Frenchmen, Pierre Henry and Pierre Schaeffer. In the 1940s they…

Philip Selway’s Weatherhouse CD of the Month

Philip Selway - Weatherhouse

Philip Selway is the drummer from Radiohead, but that information does little to prepare you for the sensitive, gentle songs of broken love and redemption that populate his second solo album, Weatherhouse. Even his first album, the more folk inclined Familial, won’t set you up for the lush textures and seductive melodies he conjures. Weatherhouse…

Thierry David – Hypnosis Echoes October CD of the Month

Thierry David’s Electronic Hypnosis Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSHear Thierry David’s Hypnosis Tonight on Echoes. I first heard about French synthesist Thierry David around 1993 when another electronic musician, Robert Rich, played some of David’s music for me. It turned out, David had been recording electronic music for several years already, but he…