Echoes Needs a Donation Injection – Stat!

Echoes Needs Your Support

Support Echoes
A COVID vaccine may be on the horizon, but long before life returns to “normal,” Echoes will need your help to make it through these daunting times.

Winter is Coming, and with it the threat of more COVID-19 restrictions. Under the duress of diminished income, sponsorship depletion, and grant cuts, it has never been harder bringing you the great music we broadcast and webcast to you five days a week.

Here’s the picture: Your public radio stations are hurting. They pay to broadcast syndicated programs like Echoes, but given the current economic situation, our fees have been reduced so that stations can continue to play our programming.

We’ve done everything we can to keep our operating costs down. We closed our offices and our staff now works remotely from home. That includes John Diliberto. That sonorous voice you love is coming to you from a closet, literally.

But have we stopped? Nope! We’re still bringing you 5 days of music every week. Zoom and Skype have replaced studios and backstage green rooms, but we’re still bring you interviews from both well-known voices and future favorites.

Please help us continue bringing these sounds to you: Donate now! 

Give because:

Donate to EchoesNights would not be the same without Echoes.
• We introduce you to artists you will not hear anywhere else.
• Without listener support, there can be no Echoes.

• Above all, give because we have been the home of innovative music and chilled artistry for 30 years!

Over the next two weeks, we need to raise at least $20,000.
Help us reach our goal and survive this long Covid Winter.

You need us. We need you.
Become a member of the Echoes Sound Circle now!


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