David Helpling's Runic Ambience: An Echoes Interview
Guitarist David Helpling takes us into the runic and oceanic influences of his January CD of the Month, Rune. Helpling is a southern California musician who has been a favorite on the show for about 25 years. He’s recorded all his albums on the Spotted Peccary label, noted for their deep ambient music. His three recordings with Jon Jenkins were all CD of the Month picks. But for his latest solo album, he’s gone truly solo, creating an album with just a guitar, a bass and a lot of processing. Rune was the Echoes CD of the Month in January. It’s a concept album, a tone poem based around the Nordic Rune for ocean. He talks about ambient guitar, the ocean and ancient runes.
Read the CD of the Month review of David Helpling’s Rune
Read the CD of the Month review of David Helpling and Jon Jenkins’ Found
Read the CD of the Month review of David Helpling and Jon Jenkins’ The Crossing