Ioanna Gika Live
Electronic singer song-writer, Ioanna Gika plays live. She used to be in a group called IO Echo, but she’s just released her solo debut Thalassa which means “Sea” in Greek. She was born in Washington DC, but her parents are Greek and she spent her early years in Greece and returned there later which is where she composed much of her album. She’s got a deep and powerful sound and you can hear it straming now in a live performance.
Start Time |
Group Name |
Song Name |
Album Name |
0:00:00 | In Concert: Ioanna Gika | ||
0:02:53 | Ioanna Gika | Out of Focus (live) | Thalassa |
0:10:54 | Ioanna Gika | Messenger (live) | Thalassa |
0:16:16 | Ioanna Gika | Swan (live) | Thalassa |
0:21:40 | Ioanna Gika | No Matter What (live) | Thalassa |
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