Month: August 2015

Tuesday, August 11th, 2015-Echoes Program 1532B


Lanterna is the performance vehicle of guitarist Henry Frayne. He used to play in the shoegaze bands Area and The Moon Seven Times, but as Lanterna he makes an instrumental music that seems to rise off the heat of the American plains and travel down a surf guitar highway.

Monday, August 10th, 2015-Echoes Program 1532A

CHronotope Project Dawn Treader

Chronotope Project is Jeffrey Ericson Allen, a musician who has made a few transformations in his life. He began his recording career as New Age artist Jeff Defty, before taking on his family name as a person, and Chronotope Project as an artistic identity.

Steve Roach in the Echoes Interview Podcast

Unlock the door to your mind with when Steve Roach gives you Skeleton Keys. That’s the latest album from the legendary electronic musician. Noted for his acclaimed albums, Structures from Silence and Dreamtime Return and as a pioneer of techno-tribal and drone-zone music, Roach has carved a unique and independent path over the last 35 years. He was also voted the number one Icon of Echoes last year. He returns to his analog roots for an album of furious sequencer syncopations called Skeleton Keys. He unlocks it when we talk with him in the Echoes Interview Podcast.

Wordless Echoes: The Tao of Steve

In the movie The Tao of Steve, a character develops a philosophy of “being Steve.” We noticed that there’s a whole lot of Echoes music made by Steves. Here’s a five-hour uninterrupted instrumental soundscape exploring music made by Steves, Stevens, Stephens, Stephans, Stephanies, even a Stevin.