Christine Byrd talks about her debut as Lumenette. She’s not the former Christian singer, Christine Glass anymore. Royksopp explain the enigmas behind their albums, Profound Mysteries I & II.
We hit the trail and take an electronic journey with Tone Ranger. That’s Alex Simon and he’s creating desert southwest landscapes merging electronics with guitar and pedal steel guitar.
On a Slow Flow Echoes, Explosions in the Sky’s film score for the movie, Big Bend. We’ll also hear an album from the electronic artist The Great Northern called Nocturnes.
Enter the sanctuary of Bass Temple. She is an EDM downtempo musician out of Colorado and she’s just released her debut EP, The Beginning. We’ll also hear new music by HAAi.
Summer’s almost gone and we bring you the last breath of the season with music to trigger memories of a summer past. Soak up the sunshine one last time on Echoes Summer’s Last Breath.
New music by Diane Arkenstone. She has an album of more ambient music out called Cool Waters of Life. We’ll also hear the latest from Rival Consoles from a new album, Now Is.
An interview with Norway’s Röyksopp. An exploding puff ball mushroom inspired their name, and their music has ranged from ambient to dance pop. They discuss the album Profound Mysteries.
We hit the trail and take an electronic journey with Tone Ranger. That’s Alex Simon and he’s creating desert southwest landscapes merging electronics with guitar and pedal steel guitar.
Singer Christine Byrd has emerged out of the Christian music scene and backing vocals for the band Hammock to forge her music of liberation, loss and atonement as Lumenette.