Tag: psychedelic

The Best of Echoes 2014 …So Far

We Pick the Best Echoes CDs of the Year at the Halfway Point. Hear them tonight on Echoes. See A Spotify Playlist Below It seems like it’s been such a long year, and it’s only half over.  That’s what usually what happens when so much good music has come out. There are albums I feel…

Kapt. Kopter Reborn

Some of you may remember the album, Kapt. Kopter and the (Fabulous) Twirly Birds by Randy California, the guitarist from the underrated psychedelic band Spirit.  Well, somebody must’ve really liked the cover of that album, because they replicated it for a forthcoming DJ Harvey album called Wildest Dreams. If you hear the album, you’ll know…

Tangerine Dream’s Edgar Froese Turns 70

Edgar Froese

From his days with with a psychedelic pop band called The Ones to the first Tangerine Dream recording, Electronic Meditation in 1969, Edgar Froese has been a force of musical change.  In fact, I can’t imagine music today without the groundbreaking work he recorded in the 1970s with Tangerine Dream and on brilliant recordings like…

Echoes Goes to the Darkside

Hear an Interview with Darkside Tonight on Echoes. This past October I got to see the band Darkside at the Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit.  They played before an impressively large audience in the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium, considering they only had one album out, Psychic.  They’re a band that favors shadows, standing in twin cones…

Tycho’s Electronica Rock.

Tonight on Echoes Hear an Interview with Tycho’s Scott Hansen For most of the last decade there has been a strain of Rock music that didn’t really rock out, but instead took a more introspective and almost ambient course, often mixing guitars with electronics.  And they usually don’t have singers, at least in a conventional…

Sci-Fi Echoes: 10 Great Sci-Fi CDs

 Science Fiction Music Through the Ages Today on Echoes, it’s a trip into the world of science fiction.  Sci-Fi literature and movies have always had an impact on a certain breed of musicians, usually the ones who were a bit tripped out and cerebral.  You’d have trouble pinning down the first Sci-Fi music.  Was it…

Guitar Splendor in Echoes Top 25

Erik Wøllo and Mark McGuire bring guitars back to Echoes Top 25 Erik Wøllo’s February CD of the Month, Timelines,  leads Echoes Top 25.  It’s a brilliant recording of layered guitar dreamscapes.  Following close behind is our soon-to-be March CD of the Month, Mark McGuire’s Progressive Rock epic, Along the Way.  You’ll be hearing more about…

From Oblivion to Euphoria in Echoes Top 25

Two Takes on Modern Guitar Lead Echoes Top 25 for January. You couldn’t get much different than the two guitar sounds at one & two in the Echoes Top 25.  You’ve got the ambient guitar orchestrations of Hammock’s Oblivion Hymns, the Echoes CD of the Month for January followed at number 2 by E4 (Instrumental) …

25 Essential Echoes CDs for 2013

Some years are better than others and 2013 was much better than most.  Right now, you can Vote in the Best of Echoes 2013 Listener Poll.   But, this list is different.  This is compiled by the brain trust of Echoes.  These are the CDs we played on the show in 2013 that we thought represented…

Where’s the Wah-Wah?: PBS Hendrix Documentary Misses the Mark

Jimi Hendrix’s solo on “’Voodoo Child,’ was like a Harley-Davidson screaming out of the sky.” –Conny Plank. I recently posted on Facebook on the EchoesFans page about the PBS American Masters documentary, Jimi Hendrix: Hear My Train a Comin’ because I found myself emotionally affected by the memories it was triggering.  Someone on Facebook wondered…