Tag: Podcast

Echoes Podcast: Heather Woods Broderick Interview

Heather Woods Broderick

Heather Woods Broderick Interview in Echoes Podcast. https://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/echoes.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/EchoesPodcast-HeatherWoodsBroderick.m4aPodcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS In the Echoes Podcast, we talk to singer-songwriter Heather Woods Broderick. She’s backed up singers like Sharon Van Etten but on her own, she makes a personal and atmospheric music of peacefully contemplated turmoil articulated through the imagery of nature…

Echoes Podcast: The Best of Echoes 2019, So Far

Echoes Podcast: The Best of Echoes 2019, So Farhttps://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/echoes.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/EchoesPodcast-BestOf2019-SoFar.m4aPodcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSIn the Echoes Podcast, John Diliberto dissects some of our picks in the top ten of The Best of Echoes 2019 So Far. It’s the midway point of the year which means it’s time to compile our Top 25 albums…

Echoes Podcast: Meat Beat Manifesto

Meat Beat Manifesto in Echoes Podcasthttps://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/echoes.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/EchoesPodcast-MeatBeatManifesto.m4aPodcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS In the Echoes Podcast, Meat Beat Manifesto.  The legendary British electronic artist who came of age during the industrial and trip-hop sampling days of the 1990s.  Jack Dangers, the group’s founder, is a scholar of electronic music from Stockhausen to Cabaret Voltaire and…

Echoes Podcast: Massergy’s Psychedelic Requiem

Massergy’s Song of Tragedy and Psychedelic Ritual in Echoes Podcasthttps://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/echoes.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/EchoesPodcast-Massergy.m4aPodcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS Massergy is the performance name of Eric Jensen. His story includes the loss of his brother, learning electronic music from scratch, psychedelics and recording his electronic music out in his yard. His album, Fire Opal was the Echoes CD…

Echoes Podcast: Chad Lawson’s Ambient Piano

Chad Lawson Headshot from Above at piano. Photo: Jeff Towne

Chad Lawson’s Ambient Pianohttps://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/echoes.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/EchoesPodcast-Chadlawson2019.m4aPodcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS Pianist Chad Lawson is reinventing the acoustic piano for the electronic age. He came up through classical and jazz and garnered some renown with his album, The Chopin Variations,  turning the Polish composer into something acoustically ambient. But now he’s creating original ambient music,…

Echoes Podcast: Big Ears Festival 2019

Inside Big Ears Festival 2019 in Echoes Podcasthttps://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/echoes.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/EchoesPodcast-BigEars2019.m4aPodcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS Get Big Ears in the Echoes Podcast. You need a big mind to explore the Big Ears Festival 2019.  Big Ears celebrates its 10th anniversary in Knoxville, TN, as one of the most wide-ranging, furthest thinking music festivals in America.…

Echoes Podcast: Eleon’s Electronic Debut

Eleon in Clouds

Echoes Podcast: Eleon-From Walmart to Space.https://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/echoes.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/EchoesPodcast-ELEON.m4aPodcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS ELEON is a musician from Waco, Texas who has been isolated from the music world, working at Walmart. He finally released his debut CD in his late 40s, but he created one of the most exuberant, effervescent electronic albums of 2018, Dreams…

Echoes Podcast: Lena Natalia 21st Century Classical Music

Lena Natalia’s New Wave Neo-Classical Musichttps://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/echoes.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/EchoesPodcast-LenaNatalia.m4aPodcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS In the Echoes Podcast, we talk with ambient chamber music composer, Lena Natalia. Lena is classically trained, spent a lot of time in France and has emerged with a distinctive Neo-classical to ambient sound. Her album, Lonely Satellite was in Echoes Top…

Echoes Podcast: Jean-Michel Jarre Interview

Jean-Michel Jarre in Echoes Podcasthttps://media.blubrry.com/echoespodcast/echoes.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/EchoesPodcast-JeanMichelJarre2019.m4aPodcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS In the Echoes Podcast,  we head into Infinity with Jean-Michel Jarre. The iconic French electronic artist talks about his latest album, Equinoxe Infinity, which references his second album from 40 years ago. We bring Jean-Michel Jarre talking about electronic evolution on Echoes. Read CD…