These days in contemporary music, most musicians don’t leave much to chance when they play live. They either adhere to note-for-note recreations of their recorded work or they just have it all in a computer, hit play and have a perfect, if frozen performance. Ambient guitarist Matt Borghi and saxophonist Michael Teager don’t work that…
Tag: Improvisation
Program Highlights
Improvisations in Ambience: Borghi & Teager Live on Echoes
Jazz goes Ambient with Matt Borghi & Michael Teager on Echoes Tonight. These days in contemporary music, most musicians don’t leave much to chance when they play live. They either adhere to note-for-note recreations of their recorded work or they just have it all in a computer, hit play and have a perfect, if frozen…
Reviews & Commentary
Dans Les Arbres Concert Review
Dans Les Arbres Retune Philadelphia You expect the unusual in shows produced by Ars Nova Workshop in Philadelphia, the patron saints of new jazz in Philadephia. But as soon as I saw the stage set-up for Dans Les Arbres at The Philadelphia Art Alliance, I knew this wasn’t going to be even your typical Ars…