Tag: electronic

Natalie Merchant Giving Up Everything Video

Natalie Merchant Returns with Self-Titled Album and Haunting Video Natalie Merchant releases her first album of all original music this May.  Ahead of that, she’s released a simple, but powerful video for the best song on the album, “Gving Up Everything.”   John Diliberto (((echoes))) No Echoes station in your area.  You can hear it…

Steve Roach in Echoes Podcast

Steve Roach Contemplates the Contemplation of Structures from Silence in Echoes Podcast Over the last 25 years, Steve Roach has been one of the signature artists of Echoes.  He wrote our original theme music in 1989 and he was voted one of 20 Icons for 20 Years of Echoes.  I’ve known Roach since 1983 when…

30 Years of Stillness with Steve Roach

Steve Roach’s Structures From Silence Turns 30 Steve Roach has been one of the signature artists of Echoes.  He wrote our original theme music in 1989 and he was voted one of 20 Icons for 20 Years of Echoes.  I’ve known Roach since 1983 when I visited his small bungalow in Culver City near Los…

Mark McGuire Talks Music & Metaphysics on Echoes

A Grandchild of 70s Progressive Rock Every time I put on Mark McGuire’s Along the Way I feel like I’m taking a trip into the future via my past.  Elements of the 70s progressive rock music I love from Popol Vuh, Ash Ra Tempel, Mike Oldfield and Jade Warrior emerge in his music.  But Mark…

Sci-Fi Echoes: 10 Great Sci-Fi CDs

 Science Fiction Music Through the Ages Today on Echoes, it’s a trip into the world of science fiction.  Sci-Fi literature and movies have always had an impact on a certain breed of musicians, usually the ones who were a bit tripped out and cerebral.  You’d have trouble pinning down the first Sci-Fi music.  Was it…

Juliette Commagere in Echoes Podcast.

Juliette Commage Talks About Being Human in Echoes Podcast I’ve been enchanted by the voice of Juliette Commagere since I heard her singing on a Ry Cooder record, Chavez Ravine. Then “Gold,” the track she sang on Love on A Real Train’s debut last year was one of our favorite cuts.  Juliette recently released her…

Women of Echoes

A Celebration of Women in Music from the Echoes Spectrum for International Women’s Day This Saturday, March 8 is International Women’s Day and as we do each year, we focus this show on the sounds of women musicians.  These days, that doesn’t seem as necessary as it did many years ago.  Even 20 years back,…

Robert Ashley’s Perfect Life Ends

ROBERT ASHLEY PASSES AT 83 Well, it may not have been so perfect, but Perfect Lives, Private Parts was the name of Robert Ashley’s multi-part meditation on life.  It was loosely called an opera, in the way that his contemporary, Philip Glass’s Einstein on the Beach was an opera, but less so.  Robert Ashley was…

Guitar Splendor in Echoes Top 25

Erik Wøllo and Mark McGuire bring guitars back to Echoes Top 25 Erik Wøllo’s February CD of the Month, Timelines,  leads Echoes Top 25.  It’s a brilliant recording of layered guitar dreamscapes.  Following close behind is our soon-to-be March CD of the Month, Mark McGuire’s Progressive Rock epic, Along the Way.  You’ll be hearing more about…

Oscillate with Silver Apples in Echoes Podcast

Hear the story of the first Electro-pop group, Silver Apples in Echoes Podcast Often when we produce interview features on Echoes, a lot of great material gets left on the floor due time constraints or because they are extraneous to the central story.  That’s the case with our interview with Simeon Coxe of Silver Apples. …