Wax Tailor’s new album, The Shadow of their Suns, slices and dices social injustice in the 21st century. It’s his most political album to date, still fueled by great beats and riotous vocal cut-ups.
We get immersed in the world of Ulrich Schnauss, the 20th Icon of Echoes. We’ll hear him talk about music as an escape into utopia and listen to music from across his career.
A giant of acoustic guitar, the 18th Icon of Echoes is the late Michael Hedges. He revolutionized the acoustic guitar with his virtuoso two-handed approach and idiosyncratic compositions.
It’s the sound of the spirit when we talk with Shunia, the duo of Lisa Reagan and Suzanne Jackson. The two operatic singers turn Hindi chants into serene dream pop.
We get Desensitized. That’s the name chosen for the collaboration between melodic electronic artist Deborah Martin and experimental electronic artist Dean De Benedictus.
On our May CD of the Month, Californian Soil, the English trio London Grammar explore love, loss, feminism and America with their lush atmospheres and Hannah Reid’s intoxicating voice.
We get Shpongled when we talk to Simon Posford and Raja Ram of the psychedelic electronic duo, Shpongle. We’ll also hear an interview with A Winged Victory for the Sullen.
The keyboardist for the Danish Al-rock band, Kashmir, takes the neo-classical, solo piano route on a trilogy of recordings. We go inside the creaky piano sound of Henrik Lindstrand.
We’ll hear music by Dubmatrix from an EP called Dubmatix AKA which finds the band in chilled downtempo terrain. We’ll also hear from veteran progressive rock band Soft Machine.
Mark Dwane has an album called Future Tense and his guitar actually sounds like a guitar sometimes. We’ll also hear from Imaginational Anthems Volume 10, Overseas Edition.