New music by Eric Hilton. Half of Thievery Corporation, he’s spent his pandemic time releasing four albums to date. His new one is Lost Dialect. We accept all dialects on Echoes from PRX.
Animalweapon. The name comes from the Dead Pool superhero comic but no animals are harmed in the music of Patrick Cortes. But he does uses animal recordings as part of his electronic songs.
The Norwegian electronic duo, Röyksopp’s new album Profound Mysteries is a concept album that asks big questions with riveting music. It’s Echoes July CD of the Month.
Music from the wilds of Siberia when we hear the latest single by Otyken called “Storm”. We’ll also hear a dream pop artist with a name that’s out of season, I Am Snow Angel.
Lumenette is the stage name of Christine Byrd, wife of Marc Byrd from the group Hammock. She’s sung on many of their albums and now she has her own dream pop release, “All Around My Head.”
Alison Wonderland is Australia’s Alexandra Margo Sholler, who is a DJ, producer and singer. We’ll hear from her album, Loner. We’ll also hear from S. Carey and his album, Break Me Open.
It’s time for The Best of Echoes 2022, So Far. It’s been a pretty great year for music thus far. Out of the hundreds of recordings we’ve received in 2022, only 25 will make this list.
For July 4th we take you into twanguility with an Ambient Americana soundscape. And you’ll hear an interview with electronic duo Röyksopp talking about “Profound Mysteries.”.