Tag: Devo
Reviews & Commentary
Forty Years Since TONTO, the first Modern Electronic Group
A thread in the Progressive Ears Forum, got me thinking again about Tonto’s Expanding Headband, the pioneering electronic band that preceded Kraftwerk, Jean-Michel Jarre, Tangerine Dream and Schulz Klaus by a few years in creating a sequencer driven music. It made me realize that this is the 40th Anniversary of their first album, Zero Time. …
Reviews & Commentary
MoogFest Day 1: No Devo, MGMTdoes Karaoke
Devo Cancels. MGMT does Karaoke. King Britt travels the Spaceways. Mutemath does Back-Flips The first day of MoogFest consisted of tough choices made easy by disappointment. The disappointment was the late-news that Devo would not be performing. They canceled their entire US tour after guitarist Bob Mothersbaugh sliced his thumb to the bone. But disappointment…
Reviews & Commentary
MoogFest-Too Many Choices
Getting ready for MoogFest tonight and already faced by insurmountable choices with overlapping bands in venues separated by anywhere from 5 to 20 minute hauls. The pleasant pop of Kuroma and The Octopus Project each overlap by half an hour, so I’ll start out with TOP but Kuroma will have to depend on how good…