On a Slow Flow Echoes, new music by Mark Dwane. The synth-guitarist always has spacey psy-fi themes, and his new album is no exception. It’s called The Utopian Paradigm.
The Ambient Country band SUSS struggles with loss and finds a way to be reborn. After co-founding member Gary Lieb died, they had to reevaluate not only their existence, but their sound.
Get ready for some powerful darkness with new music by Myrkur. The Danish singer is categorized as Black Metal, but really it’s just darker dream pop. She has a new album called Spine.
As if the world isn’t scary enough, we’ve got an Echoes Halloween. John Diliberto is your sonic crypt keeper, creating a soundscape of whispered voices, ambient ghosts and hip death goddesses.
Lay back on the couch and listen to singer-songwriter Benjamin Jayne. When he’s not making vaguely psychedelic folk music, he’s a psychiatrist. He has a deeply melancholy album called Broken.
Enter the monastery with Kevin Keller’s November CD of the Month. It’s called Evensong and it is centered around chants from the medieval Abbess, Hildegard von Bingen.
The artist known as BT is a polymath who gets into the code of his music. He has a new album, The Secret Language of Trees, and although it’s forest inspired, it’s not a pastoral romp.
Darkside is the trippy electronica duo of Nicolas Jaar & Dave Harrington who released their debut album 10 years ago. They talk about that and we remember Carla Bley, a true iconoclast.
The Grammy winning group, Opium Moon is creating a middle eastern world fusion that is equal parts sacred and sensual. I talk to this ensemble which includes acclaimed violinist Lili Hayden.
New music by Slowdive, the shoegaze band who came to renown in the 1990s. They’re back with a new album, Everything Is Alive. We’ll also hear a track from VEiiLA.