Todavia is a dream-pop band from Los Angeles that is channeling The Cocteau Twins. They have a new album, Orange Faint of Sky. We’ll also hear from singer Marya Stark off her album, Sapphire.
Echoes Election Chill. It’s been a tumultuous time in America and this week one thing will come to a conclusion, or at least semi-conclusion. Tune out the news and chill with us on Echoes.
Sufjan Stevens goes all electronic on an album of life ruminations called The Ascension, maybe his most darkly melodic album ever. Also going deep but more acoustic is Ane Brun.
Digitonal return with their third CD of the Month, Set the Weather Fair. Digitonal are avatars of ambient chamber music mixing contemporary electronics with classical elegance and melodies.
Amon Tobin, early pioneer of jazz driven electronic music, has returned after a four-year hiatus with new music under pseudonyms, including psychedelic persona Figueroa, where he even sings.
It’s a new generation of German electronic artists when we talk to Thomas Lemmer & Sebastian Pabst. Then we hear from rock refugee Gregory Allen Lisher (Camper Van Beethoven & Monks of Doom)
The California Guitar Trio’s album, Elegy, was recorded in AirBnB living rooms pre-Covid. Shpongle’s Simon Posford spent his time in quarantine creating a pandemic lockdown soundtrack.
If 2020 hasn’t been scary enough for you, we’ve got ravens sitting at our windows, bats circling in the sky, and mysterious voices coming from the basement. It’s just an Echoes Halloween.
Music from the Orb, the legendary ambient band with a new album called Abolition of the Royal Familia. We’ll also hear new music by Nicholas Gunn from his album, Pacific Blue.
We have music from the duo Bob Moses. They have a new album of propulsive electronic pop, and we’ll hear the title track, “Desire,” featuring the musician known as Zhu.