Ian Boddy and Erik Wøllo are veterans of modern electronic music and space guitar. They get together for their 4th collaboration, Revolve. It’s Echoes October CD of the Month.
All India Radio, followed by Mary Fahl, Taiyo Rey, Mark Peters, Rebecca Pidgeon, Fallen, Jan Hammer and 18 more great artists on Echoes Top 25 September 2022.
New music by Diane Arkenstone. She has an album of more ambient music out called Cool Waters of Life. We’ll also hear the latest from Rival Consoles from a new album, Now Is.
On a Slow Flow Echoes, Robert Rich and Luca Formentini. Rich is a veteran of electronic music. Formentini is an Italian guitarist. They get together on the album, For Sundays When It Rains.
New chamber music sounds inspired by National Parks from oboist and pianist, Jill Haley. It’s called The Forests and Shores of Acadia. It’s in the current of a Slow Flow Echoes.
New music from Norway’s Daniel Herskedal’s collaboration with singer and Norwegian Grammy Award winner Emilie Nicolas. They hang between classical, jazz and pop on the album, Out of the Fog.
Author and composer Albert Glinsky talks about his book, Switched-On, Bob Moog and the Synthesizer Revolution. It’s a deep dive into the inventor who changed the face of modern music.
It’s Indigenous Peoples Day, the answer to Columbus Day. We’ll hear an American soundscape from before America with Native American music from R. Carlos Nakai, Joanne Shenandoah and others.