Category: Reviews & Commentary

Michael Brook Returns

Well, he never left. Although it’s been 14 years since he’s put out a proper album, Cobalt Blue, he’s been recording up a storm, producing and performing with people like the late Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Djivan Gasparyan, Hans Zimmmer and a host of others. But finally Brook has a new album of his own,…

An Assault of Guitarists

Who says you need banks of effects, racks of synthesizers or the complexities of a laptop computer to make incredible music. Certainly not the wave of guitarists who’ll be pouring through the Echoes Living Room in the next two weeks. These are musicians who create symphonies on 6 strings. On June 16, Tommy Emmanuel comes…

Gyorgy Ligeti Remembered

Let’s all take a moment to remember Gyorgy Ligeti, the influential Romanian composer who passed away at the age of 83. It’s hard to forget his composition, “Atmospheres” which Stanley Kubrick used in 2001: A Space Odyssey. He composed dramatic orchestral works full of blasts of color and sonic exuberance, but his main influence was…

Brian Eno in NY Times from John D.

I got this from the Space Music List An amusing article appears in the New York Times about unsuspecting patrons subjected to Brian Eno’s CD length opus, Thursday Afternoon This link might work as well. I also enjoyed this comment relayed by JC Shanahan on the same list: A friend of mine used to…

Trans-Sonic Memories

I’ve got about six large boxes full of cassettes, which of course, I never go near anymore. But a few requests prompted me to go through them this weekend. Chuck Van Zyl, the host of Star’s End in Philadelphia on WXPN wanted to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Trans-Sonic Music Festival. This was a…

More Live Electronic Music

On saturday, May 20, two local electronic music groups played live in Philadelphia, as part of The Gatherings Concert Series. There were no laptops, or backing tracks at this show, although some rhythmic patterns were pre-programmed into some of the equipment, that’s part of the nature of music with sequencers in it. Both groups explored…

Live Electronic Music or Prefab Performance

I’ve seen something live 10 concerts in the last two weeks. Six of them were Echoes living room concerts. Besides the London shows you’ve read about in previous EchoesBlogs, we just had Don Peris in with his trio. And the week prior to our London trip I saw three phenomenal live shows, Andreas Vollenweider, Mogwai…

Ambient Americana

If you’ve been listening to Echoes for a while, you’ve heard me talk about Ambient Americana. It’s a sound rooted in Ennio Morricone’s spaghetti western soundtracks and Ry Cooder’s Paris, Texas and Southern Comfort film scores. In contemporary terms its artists like Euphoria, Sumner McKane, Lanterna and Tristeza. Some of my favorite albums in the…

London End of Trip from John

The final full day of the trip and we actually got somewhere 30 minutes early instead of an hour late. Ajanta Music is Robin and Paul Simon. Both were fixtures on the 1980s New Wave scene. Paul was in Cowboys International among other groups. Robin played in Ultravox and Magazine. But in the 90s they…