Category: Reviews & Commentary

Portico Quartet at World Cafe Live! Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSImprovisations Hanging On A Hang Drum One would be forgiven for thinking that you’d come to a Sun Ra Arkestra concert by mistake at World Café Live last night.  Arrayed at the front of the stage were a trio of flying saucer-shaped objects, sitting on stands, looking ready…

R. Carlos Nakai’s 5 Best Native Winds

5 Essential CDs for an Icon of Echoes: R. Carlos Nakai There are a lot of good traditional Native American flute players out there.  R. Carlos Nakai isn’t one of them. Instead, he’s been creating hybrid musics across genres and even created a few genres of his own.  Most of them are based in improvisation…

5 Essential Steve Roach CDs

The #2 Icon of Echoes and His 5 Essential CDs Steve Roach has s released nearly 50 solos albums and just as many collaborations, so narrowing his  output down to 5 CDs is daunting. So I have limited myself to pure Steve Roach solo albums, leaving behind great works with his Suspended Memories group and…

A Different Kind of Space Music: Dans Les Arbres Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSThe Art of Listening to Silence & Playing Sound Every now and then a record stops me in my tracks and paralyzes the usual automatic  click-to-the-next-track that happens when I’m auditioning music.  The debut from Dan Les Arbres is one of those CDs. It’s not because it’s a…

New Eno & U2 Song

This in from The just recently released special edition box set of the U2 concert registration ” 360 degrees at the Rose Bowl”  contains a 7 inch vinyl single which  is a new Eno produced U2 song.  It’s titled  “Soon” and runs for only about 2 minutes ( on both sides) The liner notes…

5 Essential Harold Budd CDs.

Five Essential Harold Budd CDs for Deep Listening of Pretty MusicSilence Required: The Best of Harold Budd, an Icon of Echoes. Harold Budd is a romantic with a classicist’s soul and an experimenter’s openness to chance. He’s never opted for the obvious ploys for the heartstrings.  Instead, Budd explores the geometry of passion, the calculus…

5 Best Ulrich Schnauss CDs (Minus-1) Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSI usually use Five Best Albums for Icons of Echoes, but Ulrich Schnauss has only three proper albums, one remix collection and EPs. So this is The Five Best Ulrich Schnauss CDs (Minus-1). The thing is, each one is nearly perfection. Ulrich Schnauss is a German electronic artist…

Rollover Eno, Justin Bieber’s Ambient Epic

In the tradition of John Oswald’s Plunderphonics and Hans Zimmer’s recent slo-mo take on Edith Piaf’s rendition of “Non, je ne Regrette Rien,” in Inception, here’s a song by pop sensation, Justin Bieber, “U Smile” slowed down 800% by an artist who records as Shamantis. Think Brian Eno‘s Music for Airports “2/1″ and “1/2″, Sigur…

MoogFest-Just Another Alt-Rock Music Festival

I was having doubts about Moogfest from the start, but now that the final line-up is solidifying, it’s clear that this is not a celebration of the Moog, its history and the music it spawned.   It’s  just another hipster alt-rock festival along the lines of the Pitchfork Music Festival, Bonaroo, Coachella, etc.  Nothing wrong…

All is Neu Again- Michael Rother & Hallogallo Live

NEU! MARCHES BACK UPDATE: Hear a live performance and the Echoes Interview with Michael Rother at end. It was a mesmerizing evening of non-stop driving groove and ecstatic electric guitar when Michael Rother brought in his Hallogallo 2010 group to Philadelphia last night at International House. Michael Rother was a founding member of the German…