Category: Reviews & Commentary

An Echoes Jam on Yoed Nir

Yoed Nir Headshot

Last night Echoes listeners got to hear cellist Yoed Nir performing live in the Echoes Living Room. He was creating looping orchestrations with his cello, all of it played and much of it improvised in the moment.  Greg Pelican, a subscriber to Echoes On-Line was so charged up, he picked up his drum sticks and…

In Memory of Charlie Haden 1937-2014

Charlie Haden

There was never any doubt of Charlie Haden’s commitment to the bass and to jazz. From the iconoclastic Ornette Coleman Quartet in the late 50s to his Quartet West ensemble, Haden has remained a steadfast force in jazz, constantly changing, but always remaining true to himself and his art.  Charlie Haden died, on July 11,…

The Best of Echoes 2014 …So Far

We Pick the Best Echoes CDs of the Year at the Halfway Point. Hear them tonight on Echoes. See A Spotify Playlist Below It seems like it’s been such a long year, and it’s only half over.  That’s what usually what happens when so much good music has come out. There are albums I feel…

Grammys Change Pop Instrumental Category.

The Grammy Awards have announced what could be a significant change in the Pop Instrumental Album Category.  They’ve reconstituted it as the  Contemporary Instrumental Album.  The ramifications could be interesting since “contemporary instrumental” is a much more generic designation that could bring in all kinds of music that isn’t rock, pop, jazz or folk, potentially…

Kapt. Kopter Reborn

Some of you may remember the album, Kapt. Kopter and the (Fabulous) Twirly Birds by Randy California, the guitarist from the underrated psychedelic band Spirit.  Well, somebody must’ve really liked the cover of that album, because they replicated it for a forthcoming DJ Harvey album called Wildest Dreams. If you hear the album, you’ll know…

New Austra Video – Habitat

Austra has been one of my favorite electronica bands of the last few years, fronted by singer Katie Stelmanis with a powerful voice that goes against the trend of fragile, ethereal-girl pop singers. They have a new EP called Habitat with the title track as their new video. It’s both bittersweet and creepy.  

Tangerine Dream’s Edgar Froese Turns 70

Edgar Froese

From his days with with a psychedelic pop band called The Ones to the first Tangerine Dream recording, Electronic Meditation in 1969, Edgar Froese has been a force of musical change.  In fact, I can’t imagine music today without the groundbreaking work he recorded in the 1970s with Tangerine Dream and on brilliant recordings like…

Ten Sun Ra Albums to Blow Your Mind

Sun Ra

Calling Planet Earth: Sun Ra, the Original Space Musician: Upon hearing Sun Ra’s “Constellation” in a Downbeat Magazine blindfold test Brian Eno said, “I wish I had done it myself. I’m extremely envious that somebody else did it. I’d give that five [stars] actually.” Guitarist Syd Barrett reputedly blew his mind to The Heliocentric Worlds…

Celtic in the Air for St. Patrick’s Day


An Echoes Celtic Soundscape for St. Patrick’s Day As I put together our Celtic Soundscape for St. Patrick’s Day, I recalled an article I wrote seven years ago called “Whither Celtic Music.”  At the time I was struck by the dearth of new Celtic music coming out.  In 2014, that still remains true.  Now, let…