Category: Program Highlights

Patrick O’Hearn leads Echoes Top 25

Patrick O’Hearn’s Transitions, our Echoes CD of the Month, leads Echoes Top 25 for October. This month’s list is definitely plugged in, especially the Top 10 with Patrick O’Hearn (read review), Jeff Oster, Bryan Carrigan, Jon Durant, David and Steve Gordon, Steve Hackett and Falling You all being heavily electronic.  Even when acoustic instruments are…

Music from Another Dimension: Akara.

The global orchestration of Akara’s Extradimensional Ethnography is the Echoes CD of the Month for November Hear Akara interviewed this weekend 12/4-6 on Echoes If Afro Celt Sound System had brought Philip Glass and Dead Can Dance into their trans-global orbit, it might have sounded like Akara. It’s a fantasy meeting of orchestral, electronic and…

A Mazmoneth Fright on Echoes Halloween

Halloween is coming and we’ll be running an Echoes Halloween on Monday, October 31.   Don’t Turn Out the Lights. While I was gathering tracks to put in the show I came across a video by Mazmoneth, a duo that records on Ian Boddy’s DiN label.  Their album Music by Mirrors combines the DiN label’s penchant…

Every Silver Lining Has A Cloud & Johanna and the Dusty Floor.

From Symphonic Guitar Distortion to Ethereal Songs. We’re offering two CDs as bonuses to new members of the Echoes CD of the Month Club.  Either of them could’ve been club selections themselves. EVERY SILVER LINING HAS A CLOUD An echo of  Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata”  theme with spoken word is a deceptive opening to this deeply…

Patrick O’Hearn Transitions Echoes CD of the Month.

Echoes Icon Patrick O’Hearn returns with Transitions, The Echoes CD of the Month for October From the opening notes of “Reaching Land,”  an echoing piano against a delayed pulse, it’s obvious that Transitions is a Patrick O’Hearn album.  It brings up memories of CDs like Indigo and Metaphor with its dark melancholy, hushed lyricism  and synth…

Echoes Top 25 Surrenders to Jeff Oster.

Jeff Oster’s seductive album of lounge electronica, Surrender,  leads the Echoes Top 25 for September.  After a month of repeats it was great to get into new music this past month and a lot of it is in the Echoes Top 25.  Jon Durant leaps to the head with his new album, Dance of the…

Surrender to Jeff Oster’s September CD of the Month.

Hear Jeff Oster interviewed tonight 02/01/2012 on Echoes.  It’s Ambient Electronica Lounge Sounds from Horn Player Jeff Oster As Echoes September CD of the Month Until recently, you didn’t hear much trumpet outside of jazz in contemporary music. There’s Jon Hassell, Mark Isham and you’re pretty much done.  But lately there’s been a cavalcade of…

A Pleasant Aroma Atop Echoes Top 25 for August

Atomic Skunk Leads the Echoes Top 25 for August. Alchemy by Atomic Skunk wafted to the top of our Echoes Top 25, no surprise since it was our CD of the Month.  You can read a review and hear tracks from this entrancing album of electronica exotica.  August was a bit of an anomaly in…

Exotica Electronica from Atomic Skunk Echoes CD of the Month

Atomic Skunk turns music into Echoes CD of the Month Gold with Alchemy. You can hear a special show featuring Atomic Skunk’s Alchemy tonight on Echoes. Obvious jokes about the name aside, Rich Brodsky, recording as Atomic Skunk, has with each successive album been developing his own voice, one that merges influences from The Grateful…

Best of Echoes 2011 So Far.

Skuli Severrison, Agnes Obel and Moby Top Echoes Mid-Year List We usually wait until the end of the year for these lists but why not take stock as we pass the half-way mark of 2011. Here’s our25  favorite Echoes CDs from the first 6 months of 2011. Skuli Sverrisson – Seria II (click for review…