Category: Program Highlights

The Best of Echoes 2012….. So Far.

25 Essential CDs to take into the second half of the year.  [Click on the artist link and it will take you to a podcast interview.  Click on the album links and you’ll go to either a review with tracks or a link to purchase.] According to some interpretations of the Mayan calendar, the world…

Ambient Noir Moods from Marconi Union.

THE ECHOES CD OF THE MONTH FOR JULY Marconi Union’s Different Colours Hear Marconi Union interviewed tonight 8/29/2012 on Echoes. Six years years ago, Marconi Union entranced us with their second album, Distance.  It was music that emerged from a smoke shrouded city, both luxurious in its atmospheres and dangerous in its menace.  Heroic melodies…

UK Kills at NEARfest Apocalypse.

The day started and ended with the two highpoints for NEARfest Apocalypse. Despite a more than 90 minute delay, and about 10 minutes of a dimly lit stage and no music or musicians, UK finally hit the stage a little before 11PM.  They lived up to their reputation as the last great band from the…

Renaissance Rises At NEARfest Apocalypse

On Day Two of NEARfest Apocalypse, Heritage Rules Helmet of Gnats How do you know you’re at a progressive rock concert?   An abridged version of a song is ten minutes long. And they leave in the drum solo That was the story with Helmut of Gnats and their epic closing tune, “Chimps in Space,”…

World Fusion & Chamber Pop in Echoes Top 25

Coyote Jump Leads Echoes Top 25 for May The Echoes Top 25 for May is an interesting mix of old and new.   A lot of old favorites like  Thomas Newman, Jef Stott, Clara Ponty, David Michael, Niyaz,  and Carl Weingarten return.  And world fusion seems to have made a return led by Coyote Jump’s CD…

Coyote Jump-Global Native Chamber Music.

Hear Coyote Jump interviewed tonight on Echoes (8/9/2012) Coyote Jump’s debut album, Waking from the Roots, is slightly deceiving. The cover, with its neo-primitive rendering of a coyote, looks like a typical Canyon Records sleeve for a Pow-Wow or Peyote song album. However, the first notes of a Middle Eastern frame drum and buzz stick…

Stellar Space and Western Space in Echoes Top 25.

Thierry David’s Stellar Connection Leads Echoes Top 25 for April. But right behind it is Eric Tingstad’s Badlands, his second foray into ambient Americana.  That’s the kind of contrast you’ll find in the Echoes Top 25 for April, which this month includes a collaboration in cathedral reverb between Eraldo Bernocchi, Robin Guthrie and Harold Budd;…

Ozric Tentacles-Still Psychedelic After All These Years.

While retrofitting an interview with Ozric Tentacles to run on Echoes this Wednesday, April 4, I stumbled across this video interview and live performance from the band.  The interview is pretty fluffy, but about half way in they go into their Colorado  studio and play live in a great sounds and nicely produced segment.  Ozric…

Thierrry David’s Space Music Opus.

A Veteran French Synthesist Launches the Echoes April CD of the Month Hear an interview with Thierry David tonight July 18, on Echoes. It takes a lot of discipline for a skilled, classically trained keyboardist to put his technique on hold and instead, give in to the mood and atmosphere the music requires. On his…