Category: Program Highlights

Steve Roach in Echoes Podcast

Steve Roach Contemplates the Contemplation of Structures from Silence in Echoes Podcast Over the last 25 years, Steve Roach has been one of the signature artists of Echoes.  He wrote our original theme music in 1989 and he was voted one of 20 Icons for 20 Years of Echoes.  I’ve known Roach since 1983 when…

Cosmic Cello and Downtempo Dreams

Hans Christian was one half of the group Rasa with singer Kim Waters, but before that he was a solo artist mixing his cello with electronics and other exotica.  He returns to solo form on a new CD called Hidden Treasures.  It’s an album of lush orchestrations featuring his cello, the Indian sarangi and sitara,…

Music Reimagined-The Echoes Covers Show

  Echoes Plays All Cover Tunes Tonight from Prog Rock to Pop Shlock You’ll Never Hear Grease and Gloria Gaynor the Same Way Again Everyone is doing cover tunes these days and the best ones reinvent the songs the way Jimi Hendrix did with Dylan’s “All Along the Watchtower.”  So today, you’ll hear music you…

30 Years of Stillness with Steve Roach

Steve Roach’s Structures From Silence Turns 30 Steve Roach has been one of the signature artists of Echoes.  He wrote our original theme music in 1989 and he was voted one of 20 Icons for 20 Years of Echoes.  I’ve known Roach since 1983 when I visited his small bungalow in Culver City near Los…

Mike Oldfield in Echoes Podcast

Mike Oldfield talks Rock in Echoes Podcast On the heels of his international acclaim at the 2012 Summer Olympic opening ceremony in London and the 40th anniversary of his signature work, Tubular Bells, Mike Oldfield takes a hard right into 70s era album rock. His latest CD, Man on the Rocks, features singer Luke Spiller…

Circadian Rhythms-Ambient Songs

Today on Echoes new music from S. Carey & Erothyme Coming up on Echoes, we’ll hear music from S. Carey’s Range of Light.  Carey is the drummer and backing singer for Bon Iver and while he shares Justin Vernon’s vocal timbre he has his own atmospheric approach to the singer-songwriter paradigm.  We’ll also fall into…

Japanese Spaces-Arizona Skies

Today on Echoes it’s new music from Hiroki Okano and Steve Roach Hiroki Okano was initiated as a Buddhist monk, but he decided to take a different path.  Throughout the 1990s, Okano made beautiful , delicately etched albums like Enn , Hearing There and Rainbow Over the Gypsy Hill, some of them on the late-lamented…

Lyla Foy Mirrors the Sky

Lyla Foy’s Mirrors the Sky Echoes April CD of the Month Hear it tonight on Echoes. We first met Lyla Foy in 2013 when she was recording under the guise of Wall. I was seduced by the austere, yet atmospheric songs of her EP Shoestrings, which touched a deep and resonant chord of melancholy and…

Mike Oldfield Rocks Out

Mike Oldfield talks about his homage to American Rock On the heels of his international acclaim at the 2012 Summer Olympic opening ceremony in London and the 40th anniversary of his signature work, Tubular Bells, Mike Oldfield takes a hard right into 70s era album rock. His latest CD, Man on the Rocks, features singer…

Mark McGuire Talks Music & Metaphysics on Echoes

A Grandchild of 70s Progressive Rock Every time I put on Mark McGuire’s Along the Way I feel like I’m taking a trip into the future via my past.  Elements of the 70s progressive rock music I love from Popol Vuh, Ash Ra Tempel, Mike Oldfield and Jade Warrior emerge in his music.  But Mark…