Category: Program Highlights

Echoes Podcast: Buck Curran’s Raga Guitar

Buck Curran in Echoes Podcast: From Blues to Arborea to Raga and Beyond Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS Guitarist Buck Curran was one half of the psychedelic duo Arborea with singer Shanti Curran. They put out several albums between 2006 and 2013 including Wayfaring Summer and Fortress of the Sun. But Curran…

Echoes Podcast: Laraaji & Arji Interview


Ambient Pioneer Laraaji & Arji in Echoes Podcast Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS in the Echoes Podcast, an early legend of ambient and New Age music when Laraaji comes in to talk about his long-lived music career. Laraaji’s 1980 album, Day of Radiance was the 3rd in Brian Eno’s Ambient Series. But Laraaji…