Echoes is going undercover. Some great cover versions have come in with All India Radio covering early Pink Floyd, The Mastelottos turning King Crimson into love songs and Loma serving Dinner.
On a Slow Flow Echoes, a recording by Norwegian electronic artist and guitarist, Erik Wøllo called Recurrence, based on the concept of revisiting themes and variations.
Six years ago, the producer known as Dinner released a song called “Going Out” that seems like it could’ve been recorded right now. So the band Loma released a beautiful cover of it.
Emancipator, Rena Jones, & Flowerpulse weave their electronic roots into the ambient excursion of Xylem, their debut album. John Diliberto goes to the garden with 3 electronic explorers.
Downtempo and down under artists Rufus Du Sol get remixed and we’ll hear from a tribute to the eponymous debut of The Velvet Underground and Nico, with covers by artists like Michael Stipe and Sharon Van Etten.
Echoes is going undercover. Some great cover versions have come in with All India Radio covering early Pink Floyd, The Mastelottos turning King Crimson into love songs and Loma serving Dinner.
We dream. Echoes takes us on an odyssey of dreams from surreal fantasies to images of love and memories of psychosis. But don’t worry. It’s only a dream on Echoes.
On a Slow Flow Echoes, we’ll hear music by electronic artist Craig Padilla and guitarist Marvin Allen. Their album Strange Gravity taps into a retro-space music sound.
A new collaboration from guitarist Will Ackerman, trumpeter Jeff Oster, and keyboardist Tom Eaton. You might recognize them from their solo projects, the band FLOW and Windham Hill Records.
Billie Eilish’s latest album, Happier Than Ever, defies pop standards by being low-key, sonically sparse and pillow-talki intimate. We’ll hear a track from that, as well as new music by Erik Wøllo